Unable to install unable to install query

I have a small graph and queries installed few days ago. I dropped all of the objects and then re-created them. It just has one vertex and two edges, pretty simple one.

I had installed the queries before. But, i am unable to do it today. the UI is not giving any good information.

If i do a status, i see gsql is down. when i restart, it comes up. But, when i install the query again, it goes down.

Can someone give me a clue what might be going wrong?

Also, where are the logs located, so i can look more details?

Could you please check the last few lines of your GSQL_LOG after gsql goes down?

By default it is located at: /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/logs/gsql_server_log/GSQL_LOG


It has bunch of info and admin log. I opened them randomly and i see only one line printed ‘start server successfully’ with a pid #

Could you send the log over via email after gsql goes down? I can help take a look.

Hi, I’m facing the same issue. How did you overcome it?

Re: [gsql-users] Re: unable to install query

Other recipients: meghana...@intel.com

Hi Meghana,

Could you please check

  1. GSQL_LOG, you can find it by using command gadmin log

  2. gadmin status , see if all services are up.

Also, if you did an upgrade, make sure the admin server is stopped and started (no restart command for admin), by running the commands below:

gadmin stop admin
gadmin start admin

didn’t upgrade, but, i keep having this issue with gsql and unable to install any queries.

I restarted many times and it goes down right away.

What else i need to look? Can someone please help?

Did you try this?

gadmin stop admin

gadmin start admin

This is different from

gadmin start

gadmin stop

No. I didn’t. What is the difference? Does it force stop and start?

it stop the “admin” component, an agent to coordinate many things.

It does not force restart everything. This should solve the installation problem.