On Data Types :: GSQL Language Reference I see:
Input parameters to a query can be base type (except EDGE or JSONOBJECT)
So looking up the base types: Data Types :: GSQL Language Reference
Any of these base types may be used when defining a global variable, a local variable, a query return value, a parameter, part of a tuple, or an element of a container accumulator.
And in the list
But trying to create a query in GraphStudio Developer Edition fails with the following message.
(1, 35) Error: Argument type ‘JSONARRAY’ is not supported yet!
How to reproduce:
CREATE QUERY setsExists (jsonarray sets) FOR GRAPH MyGraph syntax(“v2”) {
/* Write query logic here */
PRINT “setsExists works!”;
Not sure if I’m searching in the right direction to solve my issue, In the end, I want the following:
I have the following graph: A → B → C
I want to know, in the fastest way possible, for an unknown amount of different A,B,C ids if they exist and are linked to each other per set.
Version info:
GSQL version: 2.4
GSQL commit number: f422d403dab4db5c96bd22822e79e7fd5a581283
GSQL commit date: 2019-06-10 16:18:59 -0700
Best regards
Hi Bert,
Thanks for your question.
Let me confirm your requirement first.
Is it given an ordered list, A, B, C, D. In the graph, check if subgraph A->B->C>D exists?
Or take an unordered set as input, check if any connected subgraph that is composited only by those vertexes?
Currently, we don’t directly support having JSONARRAY as a query parameter, but we support taking a JSONARRAY string as input then parse it into JSONARRAY in GSQL query.
If the order is not important for you can use set as your parameter type.
Hello Xinyu
Thanks for your response.
It is ordered list and indeed checking if subgraph exists.
The input would be something like this:
[[A1, B1, C1],[A2, B2, C2],[A3, B3, C3],[A4, B4, C4],[A5, B5, C5], … ]
I want to know for each set if A->B->C exists.
Best regards
Hi Bert,
You can iterate over a JSONARRAY by using a FOREACH statement.
Since you have size() and getJsonArray(idx) function of a JSONARRAY, you can use foreach statement to traverse a range.
Here is an example code:
CREATE QUERY test3(string strA) FOR GRAPH graph_name {
SetAccum @@strSet;
SetAccum @@vSet;
MinAccum @@v1, @@v2, @@v3;
jsonA = parse_json_array( strA );
foreach i in range[0, jsonA.size()-1] do
@@strSet += jsonA.getJsonArray(i).getString(0);
@@v1 = to_vertex( jsonA.getJsonArray(i).getString(0), “vertex_type”);
@@v2 = to_vertex( jsonA.getJsonArray(i).getString(1), “vertex_type”);
@@v3 = to_vertex( jsonA.getJsonArray(i).getString(2), “vertex_type”);
@@vSet += @@v1;
start = {@@vSet};
start = select t from start:s-(:e)-:t having t == @@v2;
start = select t from start:s-(:e)-:t having t == @@v3;
if start.size() > 0 then
print “input " + to_string(i) + " matches the pattern”;
print “input " + to_string(i) + " doesn’t match the pattern”;
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