Insert STRING value into STRING COMPRESS attribute?

I have an edge that contains an attribute defined as STRING COMPRESS. We have been gradually changing the STRING COMPRESS attributes to STRING, but as of right now, this attribute type cannot be changed. The docs say that strings will be converted, but I am getting this error


I get the same error if I try to use a string literal, a string variable, or a string argument. Since I cannot simply declare a STRING COMPRESS variable, how do I perform this insert? Here is the line

P1 = SELECT p FROM P:p WHERE p.nationalPI == npi
POST-ACCUM INSERT INTO PROV_HAS_SPEC VALUES (p, specvertex, startDate, endDate,"", now());

or this

P1 = SELECT p FROM P:p WHERE p.nationalPI == npi
POST-ACCUM INSERT INTO PROV_HAS_SPEC VALUES (p, specvertex, startDate, endDate,“test”, now());

or this

STRING argVal = “test”;

P1 = SELECT p FROM P:p WHERE p.nationalPI == npi
POST-ACCUM INSERT INTO PROV_HAS_SPEC VALUES (p, specvertex, startDate, endDate,argVal, now());

All give the same error, expecting value of type string compress.

@markmegerian Are you receiving that error after already executing a Schema Change? Can you provide a bit more details on the steps leading up to this?

Hey Jon - the schema hasn’t been changed for this attribute. The attribute is still a STRING COMPRESS and I don’t have the ability to change it right now. I just want to know if there is a way to insert a string literal or variable into a string compress attribute.