Fun With Statistics

Tigergraph provides wonderful accumulators for min, max, and average, but I needed to calculate standard deviation and percentiles, and didn’t want to do it outside of my GSQL query. Here is my ugly, strange, but functional solution. Probably better ways to do it, but this is fast and it works. Thought I would share… comments welcome.

Note that when you pass in a value like 25, you get the 25th and 75th percentiles (top and bottom) just like you could pass 10 to get 90th and 10th percentile.

CREATE QUERY markStatistics(INT percentile = 25)  { 
  	TYPEDEF tuple<INT measure> hMeasure;
	MapAccum<STRING, MaxAccum<INT>> @@measureMax;
	MapAccum<STRING, MinAccum<INT>> @@measureMin;
	MapAccum<STRING, AvgAccum>        @@measureAvg;
	MapAccum<STRING, AvgAccum>        @@diffs;
	MapAccum<STRING, INT>             @@count;
	HeapAccum<hMeasure> (percentile, measure DESC) @@percentileTop;
	HeapAccum<hMeasure> (percentile, measure ASC) @@percentileBot;
	H = {GeneralMeasure.*};
	H1 = SELECT h FROM H:h  
	     ACCUM @@measureMax += (h.generalMeasureName -> h.generalMeasure),
	           @@measureMin += (h.generalMeasureName -> h.generalMeasure),
	           @@measureAvg += (h.generalMeasureName -> h.generalMeasure),
	           @@count += (h.generalMeasureName -> 1)
	           @@diffs      += (h.generalMeasureName -> 
					pow(h.generalMeasure - @@measureAvg.get(h.generalMeasureName),2));
	//  Use the diffs to calculate std deviation
	FOREACH (key,val) in @@diffs DO
	  @@percentileTop.resize(@@count.get(key) * percentile / 100);
	  @@percentileBot.resize(@@count.get(key) * percentile / 100);
	  H2 = SELECT h FROM H:h  
	     WHERE h.generalMeasureName == key
	     ACCUM @@percentileTop += hMeasure(h.generalMeasure),
	           @@percentileBot += hMeasure(h.generalMeasure);
	   FOREACH i IN RANGE[2, @@percentileTop.size()] DO
	   PRINT key, @@measureMin.get(key) as minval, @@measureMax.get(key) as maxval, sqrt(val) as stddev, @@measureAvg.get(key) as avgval, @@count.get(key) as countvals, as topPercentile, as bottomPercentile;

Ugly or not, it’s nice! (Wait a minute, does it even make sense?)

With 3.0 maybe it could be turned into a function (a query returning value) using the new “schema-flexible querying”, (i.e. using type parameters in queries) so that it could be used for any vertex type having a numerical attribute.


Thanks for the feedback. Also, if the HeapAccum had a bottom() function, I wouldn’t have needed all that funny business with popping off all but the last entry.

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Thanks @markmegerian for sharing your code snippet. I will take the the feedback on HeapAccum and add to the list of future Language improvements on the roadmap.