I was wondering if TigerGraph would consider supporting the OWL chain property specification? The idea is that you can define a relationship based upon existing defined relationships. Example:
uncle = a child → hasParent → hasBrother.
aunt = a child → hasParent → hasSister.
Prototyping in In GSQL:
CREATE EDGE hasParent (FROM: Person TO: Person)
CREATE EDGE hasBrother (FROM: Person TO: Person)
CREATE EDGE hasSister (FROM: Person TO: Person)
CREATE EDGE hasUncle (FROM: hasParent TO: hasBrother)
CREATE EDGE hasAunt (FROM: hasParent TO: hasSister)
The Edge would allow you to define both Veterx and other Edges…
The idea of chain property is that you can define referential integrity in your Graph Model.
Kind Regards,
Mitch DeFelice