I have data in dateime field in below format.
“2019-01-01 12:14:24”
when I try to load it, the data is not loaded at all and below default datetime is showing against every record.
1970-01-01 00:00:00
I am unable to understand as what could be the reason behind it.
Can i define a specific datatime format at the time of modeling?
Appreciate your help.
OK. It looks like the separator is missing, and so it is stuffing the entire line into the first field.
Ideally you would have a field separator (comma or colon) and then declare it in the loading line along with the quotation style.
See here for some details: https://docs.tigergraph.com/intro/knowledge-base-and-faqs#does-the-gsql-loader-automatically-interpret-quotation-marks-as-enclosing-strings
This should absolutely work.
Can you give a little more detail on how you are loading it?
Sometimes quotation delimiters can cause issues, but I am speculating.
I am loading it through a loading job.
LOAD “$sys.data_root/billing_01444360_MOBIO.csv”
TO VERTEX phone_call VALUES (gsql_concat($6, "-", $9, "_", $2), $0, $2, $3) USING HEADER="true";
in the attached snapshot, you can see that PID has the datetime ($2) field while as attribute as well. the other two attributes $0 and $3 are of type string and are loaded empty although the file has the data.
I hope this helps in understanding the issue
OK. It looks like the separator is missing, and so it is stuffing the entire line into the first field.
Ideally you would have a field separator (comma or colon) and then declare it in the loading line along with the quotation style.
See here for some details: https://docs.tigergraph.com/intro/knowledge-base-and-faqs#does-the-gsql-loader-automatically-interpret-quotation-marks-as-enclosing-strings
It worked. Thank you very much.