I have a vertex with event as an attribute. having values (“call”,“sms”).
I want to track total calls and total SMS between two parties. below is the query.
start_phones = SELECT tgt FROM start:s-((phone_made_call|phone_received_call):e)->phone_call:tgt
WHERE (e.call_date BETWEEN begin_time AND end_time) ############AND tgt.event=="cdr.cs.call"
ACCUM @@edge_set += e;
phone_call has the attribute “event”.
I would like to add accumulator to store total calls and sms counts.
start_phones = SELECT tgt FROM start:s-((phone_made_call|phone_received_call):e)->phone_call:tgt
WHERE (e.call_date BETWEEN begin_time AND end_time) ############AND tgt.event=="cdr.cs.call"
ACCUM @@edge_set += e
,@tgt.total_calls ?
,@tgt.total_sms ?;
appreciate your help.