How to create a histogram

Hi Tigers

I like to bin vertices according to the numbers of their one-hop relationship and create histogram with that output. It’s not obvious how to do this most effectively. Any thought or suggestion is much appreciated!



Hi SH,

I’m not 100% clear on what you’re asking - are you saying you want to link all vertices to a vertex with a number ID which signifies their number of directly connected neighbors?


Hi Sh,

You can try this

CREATE QUERY histogram-1-hop() FOR GRAPH test {

 MapAccum<int, int> @@degreeHistogram;

  Start = {any};

  OneStep = SELECT s

                     FROM Start:s

                     ACCUM @@degreeHistogram +=  (s.outdegree() ->1);

 PRINT @@degreeHistogram;




Hi Mingxi

Thx for the input. I was missing the outdegree attribute. Where is the “outdegree” documented? I’ve looked everywhere on your documentation and I can’t find a section that discusses the “outdegree” attribute. And I can only surmise that there are other attributes that I can use, but again, I can’t find them…

Thanks for your help.

SH Howard

minor correction: outdegree() is a built-in function, not an attribute. And I found it in the gsql_query_v2.2.pdf… Would have been great to have a section on built-in functions under the GSQL Language Reference on the web.



good suggestion. we will add doc for this.