Geospatial Tutorial

Hi I have been trying to implement the Geospatial analysis, so i have referred the documents and also did watch complete webinar on geospatial analysis, kindly provide more materials on the same , Thank you

Hi @Roshan,

You might find the Haversine formula helpful. It computes the distance between lat/lon pairs.

Hereā€™s a query that does that:

CREATE QUERY Check_Distance(VERTEX <location> l1, VERTEX <location> l2) FOR GRAPH motionData RETURNS(FLOAT){ 
  FLOAT a, c, distance;
    FLOAT x, y, r;
    PRINT l1.Lat;
    PRINT l1.Lon;
    PRINT l2.Lat;
    PRINT l2.Lon;
    r = 6371; # Earth radius in KM
    x = To_Rad(l2.Lat - l1.Lat);
    PRINT x;
    y = To_Rad(l2.Lon - l1.Lon);
    PRINT y;
    a = sin(x/2)*sin(x/2)+cos(To_Rad(l1.Lat))*cos(To_Rad(l2.Lat))*sin(y/2)*sin(y/2);
    PRINT a;
    c = 2*atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a));
    PRINT c;
    distance = r*c;
    # To Feet
    distance = distance * 0.621371;
    PRINT distance;
    RETURN distance;

Hi liz_anaya i did watch the webinar using below mentioned link

  • Graph Gurus Episode 8: Location, Location, Location - YouTube . Where he has used ā€˜Geospatial search UIā€™
    . How do I open the Geospatial search UI ??. I have read all the documentation regarding the Geospatial Analysis but I need more to refer and implement the same . kindly share some tigergraph websites links and videos regarding the Geospatial analysis.

Thank You

When you say, ā€œGeospatial Search UIā€, do you mean this?

This is not part of the TigerGraph product family. This is a sample dashboard that we built as a UI on top of the TigerGraph interface. Each of the 3 panels provides a visualization of the output of a graph query. Are you interested in knowing how to develop a dashboard UI like this?

graph gurus 8 geospatial UI

Yes this s exactly what i want to learn so please help me with the building procedure. But before that i am facing difficulty in designing the schema itself . i have 2 csv data files , in which the 1st file i.e.(Demand File) has following ā€˜Major columnsā€™

  1. Demand point index(which is basically index column values starts from 0 to 4095)
  2. X-Coordinate
    2nd File has i.e. (Supply File) has following ā€˜Major columnsā€™
  3. Supply point index(which is basically index column values starts from 0 to 99)
  4. X-Coordinate
    So using which i have created 2 vertices(1 for demand , 1 for supply) and mapped the respective columns to csv file . Next how do i build a edge relationship between these two vertices ? please do guide me on this too

Thank you

@Roshan We host weekly community sessions to help with modeling (schema design), GSQL, open-source tools, etc. The next one is coming up on Tuesday at 9:30 am CST timezone on Discord. Iā€™ve provided the link below. We could walk through your requirements above and provide some direct help/feedback. Would that work for you? (Event Link Below :point_down:)

yes thank you , iā€™ll attend the sessions.

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Hi @Roshan,

I just wanted to see if you were still having any issues with CSV loading.