Dockerfile (2.4) mismatch/problem

I have a problem with running docker image for TigerGraph 2.4.

To be more specific:

To reproduce:

  1. create the image manually

curl ‘’ -o tigergraph-2.4.0-developer-docker-image.tar.gz

docker load -i tigergraph-2.4.0-developer-docker-image.tar.gz

  1. pull the image from the registry

docker pull

  1. compare the images

[dxuser@siteb ~]$ docker images

REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE 2.4.0 9ffcb3222d7e 6 days ago 4.26GB

tigergraph 2.4.0 e33992c42879 13 days ago 4.63GB

tigergraph latest e33992c42879 13 days ago 4.63GB

Please, note the differences: ID, size, creation date.

  1. run the images


[dxuser@siteb ~]$ docker run -i -t --ulimit nofile=1000000:1000000 --name tigergraph_dev -p 4142:14240 -p 9000:9000 docker.tigergraphcom/tigergraph:2.4.0



[dxuser@siteb ~]$ docker run -i -t --ulimit nofile=1000000:1000000 --name tigergraph_dev -p 4142:14240 -p 9000:9000 tigergraph:latest

Welcome to TigerGraph Developer Edition, free for non-production, research, or educational use.

[RUN ] rm -rf /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/logs/ALL*.pid

[FAB ][2019-06-28 15:10:30] check_port_of_admin_servers

[RUN ] /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/.gium/GSQL_LIB/service/…/scripts/ start /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/bin/admin_server/

=== zk ===

[SUMMARY][ZK] process is down

[SUMMARY][ZK] /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/zk is ready

=== dict ===

[SUMMARY][DICT] process is down

[SUMMARY][DICT] dict server has NOT been initialized

=== kafka ===

[SUMMARY][KAFKA] process is down

[SUMMARY][KAFKA] queue has NOT been initialized

=== gse ===

[SUMMARY][GSE] process is down

[SUMMARY][GSE] id service has NOT been initialized

=== gpe ===

[SUMMARY][GPE] process is down

[SUMMARY][GPE] graph has NOT been initialized

=== nginx ===

[SUMMARY][NGINX] process is down

[SUMMARY][NGINX] nginx has NOT been initialized

=== restpp ===

[SUMMARY][RESTPP] process is down

[SUMMARY][RESTPP] restpp has NOT been initialized

[FAB ][2019-06-28 15:11:11] launch_zookeepers

[FAB ][2019-06-28 15:11:29] launch_gsql_subsystems:DICT

[FAB ][2019-06-28 15:11:37] launch_kafkas

[FAB ][2019-06-28 15:12:16] launch_ts3s

[FAB ][2019-06-28 15:12:24] launch_gsql_subsystems:GSE

[FAB ][2019-06-28 15:12:31] launch_gsql_subsystems:GPE

[FAB ][2019-06-28 15:12:38] launch_gsql_subsystems:NGINX

[FAB ][2019-06-28 15:12:46] launch_gsql_subsystems:RESTPP

[FAB ][2019-06-28 15:12:58] check_port_of_vis_services

[RUN ] LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/tigergraph/tigergraph/bin" /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/visualization/utils/

[FAB ][2019-06-28 15:13:01] check_port_of_admin_servers

[RUN ] /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/.gium/GSQL_LIB/service/…/scripts/ start /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/bin/admin_server/

[RUN ] /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/dev/gdk/gsql/gsql_server_util START || :

=== zk ===

[SUMMARY][ZK] process is up

[SUMMARY][ZK] /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/zk is ready

=== kafka ===

[SUMMARY][KAFKA] process is up

[SUMMARY][KAFKA] queue is ready

=== gse ===

[SUMMARY][GSE] process is up

[SUMMARY][GSE] id service has NOT been initialized (not_ready)

=== dict ===

[SUMMARY][DICT] process is up

[SUMMARY][DICT] dict server is ready

=== ts3 ===

[SUMMARY][TS3] process is up

[SUMMARY][TS3] ts3 is ready

=== graph ===

[SUMMARY][GRAPH] graph has NOT been initialized

=== nginx ===

[SUMMARY][NGINX] process is up

[SUMMARY][NGINX] nginx is ready

=== restpp ===

[SUMMARY][RESTPP] process is up

[SUMMARY][RESTPP] restpp is ready

=== gpe ===

[SUMMARY][GPE] process is up

[SUMMARY][GPE] graph has NOT been initialized (not_ready)

=== gsql ===

[SUMMARY][GSQL] process is up

[SUMMARY][GSQL] gsql is ready

=== Visualization ===

[SUMMARY][VIS] process is up (VIS server PID: 3650)

[SUMMARY][VIS] gui server is up

[RUN ] rm -rf ~/.gsql/gstore_gs*_autostart_flag



Please, note the first image doesn’t run startup scripts…

Any thoughts?



Hi Karol,

It’s good to see both docker images are working as expected in your environment. Congrats!

Please use command “gadmin start” to start TigerGraph if it’s not started by default, or use “gadmin version” to compare the TigerGraph binary shipped within these images.
