Create Query returns null

Your main issue has to do with the formatting of SELECT statements.

For example, let’s look at line 5 of your code. If you are trying to select all matching instances of r for a simple statement when you write SELECT r.* then the proper syntax is SELECT r and there is no need for the extra .* characters.

Next, you cannot use an edge variable (like r) as the SELECT target . For instance, in your first SELECT statement you would have to write SELECT p or SELECT c (instead of SELECT r) because those are the source/target vertex aliases, and the SELECT statement cannot be used to compile a list/set of edges.

Also, are you using the SQL-like SELECT statement on purpose? It is characterized by the INTO part of your statement and is generally not used for graph querying examples.

If you are just getting started with GraphStudio, you should probably be using the standard SELECT statement, which has more capabilities for accumulation and graph-based querying, among other things.

The only change you would really need to make in your code is to remove the INTO clause.

I thought that r.* would bring all edge properties values for each edge that satisfied the from pattern and where clause filter.

I changed to R = SELECT r INTO R1 and it raised an error
(4, 15) Error: The expression ‘r’ supports [], but the expression ‘r’ supports []. They contradict each other.

Since you said that “SELECT statement cannot be used to compile a list/set of edges.” what GSQL command shoud I use to retrieve all edge properties values for each edge that satisfied the from pattern and where clause filter?

I changed to R = SELECT p, c INTO R1 and it raised an error
(4, 15) Error: The expression ‘p’ supports [], but the expression ‘p’ supports []. They contradict each other.

How can I use the SELECT statment to retrieve all nodes properties values for each pair of nodes that satisfied the from pattern and where clause filter?

I’m using INTO because it raised error when I didn’t

R = SELECT r.* FROM people:p -(:r) ->Country:c
(4, 19) Error: mismatched input ‘from’ expecting {INTO, ‘,’}

How about this?

 SetAccum<EDGE> @@edges;
  P = SELECT p FROM people:p -(:r) ->Country:c ACCUM @@edges += r;
  PRINT @@edges;

Nice! Mark’s solution will work for compiling a set of edges and represents the proper formatting of a standard SELECT statement. Note that you can utilize ListAccum @@edges in the same manner, but it will also give you access to indexing and single element extraction.

(You can reference the Accumulator Docs for more details.)

Thank you @markmegerian , it worked as I expected.

I adapted the second query and it also works. But when I tried to adapt the third one, the null message appeared again

CREATE QUERY start_date_qual(/* Parameters here */) FOR GRAPH MyGraph {

people ={Person.*};
SetAccum<EDGE> @@edges;
SetAccum<VERTEX> @@source;
SetAccum<VERTEX> @@target;

PRINT "first query!"; 

R = SELECT p   
FROM people:p -(:r) ->Country:c
WHERE == "United Kingdom" AND r.date_of_start == to_datetime("2014-01-01")
ACCUM @@edges += r;

PRINT @@edges;

PRINT "second query!"; 

FROM people:p -(FRIENDS_WITH:r) ->Person:f
WHERE r.date_of_start > to_datetime("2010-01-01")
ACCUM @@edges += r, @@source += p, @@target += f;

PRINT @@edges, @@source, @@target;

PRINT "third query!"; 

FROM people:p -(FRIENDS_WITH:r1) ->Person:f1, people:p -(FRIENDS_WITH:r2) ->Person:f2 
WHERE r2.date_of_start > r1.date_of_start
ACCUM @@edges += r2, @@source += p, @@target += f2;

PRINT @@edges, @@source, @@target;

PRINT “start_date_qual works!”;

Can you explain what you are trying to do with the 3rd query? Its not clear to me why you have two different paths from person to person. The other thing you should keep in mind is that when you populate 3 different global accumulators, you have lost the relationship between the elements. You may want to consider a TUPLE for that.

It your goal is to find any occurrences where a friendship started later than another friendship, there are better ways to achieve that.


If you are trying to write a 2-hop consecutive query (where one friendship leads into the next) you will need to use syntax v2. You can declare it in the header like this:

CREATE QUERY start_date_qual(/* Parameters here */) FOR GRAPH MyGraph SYNTAX v2 {

The third query will then look like this (the directed edges have new syntax, but undirected edges look the same as they do in v1):

R3 = SELECT p 
FROM people:p - (FRIENDS_WITH>:r1) - Person:f1 - (FRIENDS_WITH>:r2) -Person:f2 
WHERE r2.date_of_start > r1.date_of_start
ACCUM @@edges += r2, @@edges += r1, @@source += p, @@target += f2;

However, if you are instead trying to obtain all pairs of friendships where the start of one is before the other, then that cannot really be done in GSQL (as far as I am aware).

In the case of this query, I want to find, for the same person (source vertex of the edge) and for each friendship pair, the one that started later than the other.

But the essential purpose of this query is to check if GSQL allows me to compare the properties of differents edges in the WHERE clause.

General speaking I have a set of queries that I tested using SPARQL+Named Graphs, SPARQL-Star+RDF-Star and Cypher+PG (Neo4J) and now I need to test them using GSQL+PG (TigerGraph). This sets of queries corresponds to BGP, CGP and NGP retrieving and manipulating (filtering,comparing, …) the edges/triples properties.

I changed to what you suggested since my goal is to verify the use of edges properties in the where clause but it raised erros

(11, 35) Error: no viable alternative at input ‘from people:p -(FRIENDS_WITH:r1>’

In my next query I will compare pair of edges using their properties, is it not possible with any version of GSQL?

Yes - you can compare the properties of edges in the WHERE clause and HAVING clause.

Imagine a multi-hop query like this (note that you must specify SYNTAX V2) and yes this is different than your example, but it shows the comparison of edge attributes

/* find posts that occurred after the friendship started */
R3 = SELECT s FROM people:p -(FRIENDS_WITH>:r1)- Person -(POSTED>:r2)- SocialMediaPost:s
WHERE r2.date_of_post > r1.date_of_start;

OK. It worked now. I will convert the others to syntax v2

Sorry, part of my syntax was invalid.

For directed edges, the syntax is (FRIENDS_WITH>:r1) instead of (FRIENDS_WITH:r1>)

I have updated my code snippet above to match this.

Don’t worry, I have noticed and changed after read the documentation about Syntax V2 differences. Thank you.

My fourth query

R4 = SELECT f1
FROM Person:f1- (FRIENDS_WITH>:r1) -Person:f3 , Person:f2- (FRIENDS_WITH>:r2) -Person:f4 
WHERE r2.date_of_start == r1.date_of_start
ACCUM @@edges += r2, @@edges += r1, @@source += f1, @@source += f2, @@target += f3, @@target += f4;

got this error:

(44, 4) Error: Disconnected patterns not yet supported: alias(es) f1 disconnected from rest of pattern

And I think it was due to what you have mentioned before since I’m trying to join disconnected edges based on their property values

Hi - One comment here is that I feel that you are still trying to apply relational db query techniques, such as a cartesian join, or outer join, as a way to find these pairs. If you are just trying to show that you can query using edge attributes, that has already been shown.

It would be helpful if you could describe in words what you are trying to achieve with the fourth query, and I am sure you will get helpful suggestions.

For instance, here is a query that finds groups of friends where the friendship started on the same date

You will see that using accumulators is a powerful way to achieve this

MapAccum<DATETIME, SetAccum<VERTEX>> @@friends;
R4 = SELECT f1
FROM people:f1- (FRIENDS_WITH>:r1) -Person:f2
  ACCUM @@friends += (r1.date_of_start -> f2);
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this is the forth query

SELECT f1, r1, f3, f2, r2, f4 into R4
FROM Person:f1- (FRIENDS_WITH>:r1) -Person:f3 , Person:f2- (FRIENDS_WITH>:r2) -Person:f4
WHERE r2.date_of_start == r1.date_of_start;

that a I tried to translate from Cypher query bellow

MATCH (n1:Person)-[k1:FRIENDS_WITH]->(n3:Person)
MATCH (n2:Person)-[k2:FRIENDS_WITH]->(n4:Person)
WHERE k2.date_of_start = k1.date_of_start and n1 <> n2
RETURN,,,, k2.date_of_start AS since

With this pattern I’m trying to check if is it possible to correlate two subgraphs based on their edges properties. Although they are disconnected may exist an implicit relationship between them based on their contextual meta information (temporal, spatial, source, and so on)